St Heliers 学校是一所在各方面都努力做到优秀的学校。(St Heliers is a school that strives for excellence.)

我们的目标是培养和引导每一位学生在校园生活的所有领域挖掘出他们最大的潜力。(Our aim is to guide and nurture each student to reach their potential in all areas of school life.)

为了全面达成目标,需要学校和家庭紧密的合作。(Integral to achieving this aim is having a close partnership between home and school.)

作为一所包括小学和初中的学校(1-8年级),我们从独特的视角去观察学生从眼睛明亮的5岁孩童到青春期少年的成长。(Being a full primary (Years1-8) we are in a unique position to see the development of the student s from young bright-eyed 5 year olds to young adolescents.)

从学生在校最初阶段开始,他们就被鼓励成为独立、负责的人。(From the earliest stages of their schooling , students are encouraged to be independent, responsible learners.)


较小的学生。(Older students are expected to look out for younger students.)

每年学期开始时,高年级班要和低年级班建友谊班,以帮助新学生适应学校的各个方面。(At the start of the year senior classes are buddid up with a junior class to support the children in various aspects of their school.)

这也帮助我们在St Heliers学校创造我们想要的家庭氛围。(This also helps to create the family atmosphere we want at St Heliers.)